Sikh Gurudwara i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongSikh Gurudwara


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371, Queen's Road East, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2572 4459
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Latitude: 22.274532, Longitude: 114.17803

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gurpreet Kaur


    Good nd free langar

  • Sukhdev Sanger

    Sukhdev Sanger


    Who would have thought you'll find a sikh temple in the middle of Hong Kong. Appreciated the Langar after not having a home cooked Indian food

  • en

    Ankit Sapra


    This place is indeed one of the most loved places. So much peace, silence, positive aura/vibes, helpful people, nice Langar (Parshada) and many more. They have a kids playing area in case kids are not enjoying the temple premises. One can spend Hours sitting there, purifying thought process, meditation etc etc. A must place to visit in Hong Kong.

  • Samuel Rosales

    Samuel Rosales


    Sikh Temple next to the Muslim cemetery in Happy Valley is an interesting view, nonetheless, despite not being a popular Hong Kong attraction/destination.

  • Rashmi Arora

    Rashmi Arora


    When I moved Hongkong...gurudware was the first place I visited. It is very peaceful and place you will need no efforts to meditate..people are also very good, must visit.satnam Shri waheguru. Every Sunday they have Kirtan!

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