Pinnacle Performance (BLACK) i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongPinnacle Performance (BLACK)



🕗 åbningstider

26th Floor, Li Dong Building, Li Yuen Street East, Central, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2469 2010
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Latitude: 22.282882, Longitude: 114.15636

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ronan Donnelly


    Great high performance facility in the middle of Central. Have been in Pinnacle Black since it opened and the trainers and programming have all been excellent. Would highly recommend the guys in Pinnacle black to anyone looking to step up their training

  • en

    John McCormick-Houston


    Great facility bang in the middle of central. Been training at Pinnacle Black for 3 months now, and the programs and coaching are by far the best in HK. Would highly recommend to anyone.

  • Cam MacRae

    Cam MacRae


    I contacted Pinnacle Black about strength and conditioning for ultrarunning and they've bent over backwards come up with a custom programme that meets my training goals and dovetails with my running schedule. I've seen a significant improvement in strength, balance, and coordination, plus I'm now recruiting all the right muscle groups when out in the hills. Highly recommended.

  • Guillaume Phalippon

    Guillaume Phalippon


    Trainers are efficient, good listener and now how to drive people to get the maximum from them. Definitely one very good place if you are looking to improve yourself and have quick result !

  • en

    Craig Jones


    I contacted Pinnacle Black with the goal of trying to get back into strength training after a period out of action due to a shoulder injury. The trainer I saw helped me achieve my goal and also pushed me to break my previous squat and deadlift PB's. The facilities were excellent and the staff that I came across very knowledgeable and always willing to help. Highly recommended to anyone in the area.

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