Oriental 188 Shopping Centre i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongOriental 188 Shopping Centre



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188, Wan Chai Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2774563, Longitude: 114.1775363

kommentar 5

  • yiu shaw

    yiu shaw


    Ideal shopping mall for the digital savvy; headphones, smartphone covers, power banks, you name it. In particular, there are many stalls selling electronic cigarettes, the prices being competitive.

  • en

    Cathy Liu


    Compact shopping mall for phone accessories, games and phone repair. Good deal as it is a bit in the middle between Wanchai and Causeway Bay subway station.

  • Ardy Chu

    Ardy Chu


    Gamers' paradise. Yet u do need to check prices among different shops as they differ a lot. Prices are always bloated when there is a big title launch.

  • en

    a ch


    Come for tech and phone accessories, video games, TV/movie DVD/bluerays, vintage music and toys... Chaotic, messy, fascinating. You'll need a fair sense of value and market prices; be careful about fake goods, and enjoy the sensation of being in a classic market that could be thousands of years old - just selling technological goods and not spices, fruit, and horses.

  • en

    Leonard Pan


    Not for the tourist who does not know what they want or how much they go for. Place is a bit of a mess but there is order in the chaos! Mostly computer or mobile phone related accessories. A good collection of stores selling Printers, and replacement inks, Home CCTV solutions, Car journey video recorders and home wifi / wifi extension solutions. One of the only place in HK has this collection of shops, not even in Shum Shui Po

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