NOC Coffee Co. - Wanchai West i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongNOC Coffee Co. - Wanchai West



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Tai Wong Street East, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2146 7768
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2756885, Longitude: 114.171288

kommentar 5

  • Oli Goulden

    Oli Goulden


    Super sleek design, best Americano in the area

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    This is the fourth and addition of the Noc Coffee Co. in Hong Kong. The rest are scattere around other districts on Hong Kong Island. You'll find the new Noc coffee shop on Tai Wong Street East in Wan Chai. Opening hours are 8am to 6pm daily. I like Noc for their coffee but also for their clean, modest and simple decor. This is a coffee franchise that understands space maximisation as well. The new Wan Chai branch is tiny but cleverly designed to allow enough space for baristas as well as a small seating area, accessible by sliding door to the left of the order counter. Coffee orders come with a choice of two blends. I enjoyed a double espresso here recently. It was strong, a bit bitter with hints of chocolate - not too citrusy like many coffees being served these days in HK based coffee shops. In the end, quite a few coffee shops in Wan Chai. This is a good choice is you happen to be on or around Tai Wong Street East. Its near the recently opened bakehouse just 20 metres away or so.

  • Emily Tay

    Emily Tay


    Excellent soy latte.

  • Ka Ho Chan

    Ka Ho Chan


  • en

    Chloe Leung


    Best coffee in town

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