Millennium City Phase 3 i Kowloon

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Hong KongMillennium City Phase 3



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Hong Kong, Kwun Tong, 觀塘道370號
kontakter telefon: +852 2267 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3147, Longitude: 114.2195562

kommentar 5

  • Mark Reform

    Mark Reform


    Millennium City (Chinese: 創紀之城; Jyutping: cong1 gei2 zi1 seng4) is a group of skyscrapers in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong built along the southern side of Kwun Tong Road near Ngau Tau Kok station and developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties.[1] The Millennium City project currently consists of five buildings, numbered 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. The number 4 is widely regarded as unlucky in many parts of Asia and in both Chinese and Japanese it is a homophone for "death".[2][3][4] Millennium City 1 and 2 are connected and share a mall and a lobby on their ground floor. They host the headquarters of Standard Chartered Bank, a data center and various other offices. They have shiny blue glass walls and look modern compared to old factory buildings in the area.[1] The two buildings are located opposite to Ngau Tau Kok Station. Millennium City 3 is a continuation of buildings 1 and 2, but separated from towers 1 and 2 by the Meyer Building. It is also mostly offices and has a similar architectural design to buildings 1 and 2. However, glass walls are used to a lesser extent and more white tiles are incorporated.[1] Millennium City 5 is built near Kwun Tong station. The building is well-known because of the shopping mall it holds - apm. The project has a site area of 107,000 square feet (9,900 m2) and contains over 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2) of office space on top of a regional shopping centre of about 600,000 square feet (56,000 m2). The Bank of East Asia bought the majority of office space here as a back-up operation center.[5][6] Millennium City 6 and 7 are under planning, and both will be built in the Kwun Tong Industrial Area, farther from Kwun Tong Road.[1]

  • en

    Bernard Tse


    A good place to meet your friends here.

  • en



    Here is a nice place and I always go to.

  • Nelson Mok

    Nelson Mok



  • Ricky Wong

    Ricky Wong


    You can get cheap and healthy food from ground floor

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