Marks & Spencer i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongMarks & Spencer


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22-28, Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2921 8323
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Latitude: 22.2811366, Longitude: 114.1568023

kommentar 5

  • Steve Lesser

    Steve Lesser


    Marks and Sparks is a reliable department store for womens and ens clothing. More middle of the road style, pricing is reasonable.

  • Jeppe Rishede Thomsen

    Jeppe Rishede Thomsen


    I fairly large clothing store right next to central station, so the location really can't get much better! I went there for their food market section which contains a lot of very nice and fresh western food options, mainly British of cause. I had some muffins and some cheese. The muffins are made daily and are absolutely delicious!

  • Jaz Singh

    Jaz Singh


    One of the very few places in Hong Kong to get a true loaf of sliced bread. Specifically, one without dairy, margarine or other garbage. Just plain bread! Finally.

  • SuperMeurtrier



    Perhaps the largest store in town, occupying 2 floors with a basement which is the food and men’s clothing section The good thing is the comprehensive collection of wine and other alcoholic drinks in the basement!

  • Maor Aviad

    Maor Aviad


    The prices are ok..service was not found. I could have sat there for 20 minutes without anyone asking me if I need anything. The store is 3 floors, mainly for ladies. it's better to be there on sales (if they have). they accept intl credit cars. They have great collection of shirts for man.

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