Lau Yun Wah, Paul Doctors - Mongkok i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongLau Yun Wah, Paul Doctors - Mongkok


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Hong Kong, Mong Kok, 九龍旺角彌敦道688號 旺角中心第1期1822-23室
kontakter telefon: +852 2392 2881
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Latitude: 22.320097, Longitude: 114.16957

kommentar 3

  • zh

    James Lin


    差 不要去

  • en

    Ms Sharon


    Everyone needs to wait for at least 1-2 hours before getting to see the orthodontist, even i 'survived' from this long awaiting progress at reception, they will still make you to wait inside to before you get to see the Dr. One of my appointments that i made at least two months ago was cancelled a week ago because 'Dr. Lau will be out of town', but somehow he told me he just wanted a day off on monday to go Disneyland with his family during my next visit. I was running a bit late for my appointment because of work, the reception lady started to call me and asked where i am, i told her i will be arriving in 10 mins, she seemed pretty annoyed, and the result, of course, there was still a long queue at the time when i got there, they made me wait for at least an hour as usual, i totally don't see why she had to be that mean Finally I needed to get a retainer after i removed all the attachment, the female orthodontist said i must return on the same day in the evening to get the retainer, they're about to send my mold to the lab, she's very straight about this even i said i have a work meeting in the evening, saying that if i don't wear it on the first day my teeth will start moving and all the hard work will be destroyed blah blah blah, so i rescheduled my meeting because i need to 'get my retainer', however just one to two hours before my same day evening appointment, the reception lady called, saying the lab couldn't finish it on time so just asked me to come the day after without any apologise. During my after check, again they cancelled my appointment 2 hours in advance, saying that 'Dr. Lau needed to attend a conference', on next day the reception lady called, saying because 'i' cancelled the appointment so they need to reschedule a new time slot for me. Oh and FYI i need to pay $500 consultant fee for an after check, while most of the orthodontic clinics do this for free for their clients. Last but not least i went to the central branch, paid more than HK$60,000 to receive this kind of 'great' service, if you're looking for an orthodontic clinic, please carefully put these into consideration before choosing a very busy Dr. Lau and his team as your orthodontist.

  • zh-Hant

    Emma L.


    劉醫生幫我做隱適美,揀佢係因為佢係專科而且夠經驗, 口碑好, 可靠D, so far 每次番去做檢查, 佢都會清楚講番個進度比我聽, 甘我都好乖帶足甘多個鐘, 最後出黎的效果我都好滿意. 我諗箍牙除左要有恆心, 揾個可靠同專業的牙醫都好重要, 我會推介劉醫生比朋友!

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