Kuma Ramen i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongKuma Ramen



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8, Parkes Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2567 2777
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Latitude: 22.3034727, Longitude: 114.1708293

kommentar 5

  • Leo Lo

    Leo Lo


    Taste pretty good for Japanese Rame! But if you don't eat pork, this is not your choice!

  • en

    Christy Tang


    Nice pork soup broth that is not overly rich, but flavorful. Roasted pork belly is nice and tender. House made Gyoza is a good too

  • en

    Joanna Ng


    Ordered a house special with diced pork. The broth and noodle is really bland. The noodle is store bought packaged white noodle, I won't consider it Raman noodles, the broth is not rich and no flavour whatsoever. I am very disappointed with this Raman while the review is pretty high. The only highlight is the egg, the egg is full of flavour and melts in your mouth when you bite into it. The place is quite clean and neat. If you are really hungry after your swimming class and want a quick bite, you may consider this place. If not you should just pass.

  • pipetca Instagram

    pipetca Instagram


    Отличный рамен! Брать Дамлинги обязательно - очень вкусные. Персонал может помочь сделать выбор еды. Есть туалет :) В среднем хорошо поесть на двоих счёт около 300HK.

  • Bernard Yiu

    Bernard Yiu


    - 可以坐係門口等位,我地星期五夜晩食都唔算多人。 - 裏面有bar 枱同有一張大枱,唔會太迫,坐得舒服,但好似有限時45分鐘。 - 我地叫左招牌熊拉麵同超級巨熊拉麵,超級巨熊拉麵會有兩種肉,有紫菜,多少少配料。 - 湯底夠濃,但又唔會太油。麵我地叫普通硬中細麵,麵質唔錯。整體質素好好。

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