Kowloon Mosque i Kowloon

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Hong KongKowloon Mosque


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105, Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2724 0095
internet side: www.islamictrusthk.org
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Latitude: 22.2987084, Longitude: 114.1717195

kommentar 5

  • Hasan Abu

    Hasan Abu


    The largest mosque in Hong Kong with spacious and comfortable prayer halls in multiple floors. Very conveniently located, just at the door step of MTR exit. A bus stop is just in front of the mosque. Kowloon park is on the backyard of this mosque. Several Halal food restaurants are in it’s surrounding. I usually go there for Friday prayers. What I have observed, this is a bit challenging for the people with wheelchairs and baby strollers to enter the mosque. The ground floor is about couple of meters above from the street level connected with stairs. An elevator or a slope path to push wheelchairs and baby strollers would have been perfect.

  • Ali Hazim

    Ali Hazim


    What an amazing place to spend some time to chill out and meditate. Was here during Ramadan and had an amazing time. Always a priority to stop here on every trip to Hong Kong.

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo


    Looks impressive outside but no photo is allowed inside. Many Indonesians gather here.

  • Elfiandy Djambak

    Elfiandy Djambak


    Was still able to find a mosque to pray. The mosque is clean and comfortable. Sunday morning many people sell halal food

  • Erica W Chang

    Erica W Chang


    Hamdullah It’s a wonderful place. However, elders/instructors have responsibilities to teach kids not playing and screaming in the PRAY room. They need to respect everyone inside. it’s for Allah. Not playground.

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