JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongJW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong



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88, Queensway, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2810 8366
internet side: www.marriott.com
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Latitude: 22.2775805, Longitude: 114.1659895

kommentar 5

  • Stephen O'Connell

    Stephen O'Connell


    Just popped in to The Lounge for a drink. But has a very relaxed and nice atmosphere. Beautiful huge windowed space with views over Hong Kong (sort of!). Nice modern urban feel.

  • Ash Turner

    Ash Turner


    Nice rooms, good views on Harbour side. Staff are friendly, although could assist with communication of process (check in and check out). Would stay again

  • Isaac Yang

    Isaac Yang


    We had an amazing stay at the hotel. Very attentive and friendly staff. Executive Lounge has amazing view, with very good food selection. It gets very crowded for dinner though. Hotel itself is a little dated when we stayed, but is scheduled for renovation late March 2018.

  • en



    The hotel is near by all the local modes of transportation. The Metro Station is a couple of blocks away through the underground passageway. There are buses and trams in front of the hotel. The hotel is connected to the Pacific Place Mall with shops, restaurants, market and movie theater. The hotel lobby is large with a large seating area. The room was medium size with a full bathtub and separate shower. The Internet speed was good and the staff was outstanding.

  • Max Chiu

    Max Chiu


    Everything at the JW Marriott exudes quality. The check-in process was smooth, the rooms are very spacious with many useful amenities such as power outlet adapters, complimentary water, and a nice Bose alarm clock to name a few. The staff here is fantastic. I would definitely stay here again.

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