Just Bike - Bicycle Shop i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongJust Bike - Bicycle Shop


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179, Tung Choi Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3590 2475
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Latitude: 22.322544, Longitude: 114.169785

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joshua George Lujero


    Visited this Bike Shop as a Tourist on 02 Dec 2017 (during our vacation). The place is already closed (see photo) and there are major repairs and changes being made in the spot where this bike shop used to be. The persons doing the repairs apparently are not fluent in the English Language. So they cannot understand my questions like: Do they know where Just Bike moved to? And they cannot inform me of anything except with sign language. Sad part from my end is that, i was really looking forward to visit this Bike Shop as part of my vacation itinerary.

  • Oscar Wu

    Oscar Wu


    Very efficient, helpful and nice staff

  • anthony yuen

    anthony yuen


    Friendly staffs, good services, reasonable price

  • en

    3 Mi


    Nice shop

  • Patrick Lau

    Patrick Lau


    First of all, the owner somehow got bike emoji formatted into the title of this listing. How cool is that?! Now, the shop itself is small but jam packed, with no wasted space. There are accessories (helmets, gloves, bike shorts and jerseys), and of course bikes (road, mountain, and even hip, trendy folding bikes). Make sure to check out all the shiny stuff on the second floor too. Unfortunately it's located in Mong Kok so there's a 100% chance that walking here from the Prince MTR, you'll get some lovely Mong Kok air-conditioner water drip on your face.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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