Jardine's Lookout i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongJardine's Lookout


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Hong Kong Trail Sec. 5, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2663613, Longitude: 114.1983359

kommentar 5

  • Adam White

    Adam White


    One of the best views in Hong Kong, overlooking Victoria Harbor. This spot is relatively accessible as it can be reached from sections of both the Hong Kong trail and the Wilson trail. The latter is definitely one of my favorite walks of all time and I highly recommend it.

  • en

    KK Poon


    Gorgeous 360 views on top. Challenging steps and exposed trail walks. Easily accessible and connected to public transport.

  • Dominique Charriere

    Dominique Charriere


    Great views (except in summer) and easy walk got the top. Number one family hike in HK Island.

  • Robert MacFarland

    Robert MacFarland


    Great views, unfortunately this day was cloudy. Found a Japanese Tunnel that goes way back. I went inside about 50 metres and it was still going deeper. I was alone though and did jot want to go farther in. The other cave I showed is probably a mine, I am not sure.

  • mirva nevalainen

    mirva nevalainen


    Absolutely worth visiting if you have a few hours to spend by hiking in Hong Kong! Good exercise and nice view!

nærmeste Parkere

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