Islam Food i 九龍

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Hong KongIslam Food



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龍崗道, 九龍, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2382 2822
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Latitude: 22.3281948, Longitude: 114.1902615

kommentar 5

  • eric tsang

    eric tsang


    Best Halal food in HK. The "juicy" fried beef bun and lamb curry are to die for. Even the sweet n sour soup is a must try! All my overseas Muslim friends agree! All meat is Halal certified.

  • Faye Chong

    Faye Chong


    Super yummy beef flat bun and lamb stew. Small restaurant so be ready for a queue. They have another branch on Tak Ku Ling Road 2 streets away which is a double stories restaurant.

  • Andy Ng

    Andy Ng


    Food is amazing here! Cheap and delicious! Staff is super friendly too. Wish there were more in the city!

  • Diana Yan

    Diana Yan


    Its dishes are.a bit oily.I won't recommend you to go there if you like a lighter flavour. However,you can still go there and have a try on their food. Its environment is quite crowded.Thw plates are small in size. The food there is affordable. The dishes comes fast once when you order.

  • Marupa Rahman

    Marupa Rahman


    Beef is not my favourite but had to try this due to it being halal. The beef cakes were amazing I wish that I ordered more of these and less of everything else. It is the stand out dish of this place. The beef with noodles wasn't anything special but the beef curry was very good just a bit of the usual halal food you can find anywhere though.

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