Insomnia i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongInsomnia



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30-32, D'Aguilar Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2525 0957
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2808597, Longitude: 114.1552934

kommentar 5

  • Lanre Animashaun

    Lanre Animashaun


    Cheesy live music & cheap drinks. An institution in LKF!

  • Rudy



    the live band is GREAT and music entertainment is at the rendezvous. I will give 4 stars FOR THE music live BAND . BUT very rude arguing barista woman for a credit cards signatures on the front BAR on a Saturday comment.....wrong comment ....what is your name please ? no.comment....if you are not in the mood to welcome customers with a smile STAY HOME DEAR !

  • Nearl Don

    Nearl Don


    Really good music, great service and nice atmosphere.

  • 再來r啦嘰



    生意熱絡 服務親切 提供多樣啤酒調酒 價格約50~140港幣/杯 需加收一成服務費

  • en

    Sackthi Muthu


    One of the oldest bars in Hong Kong LKF. Every Tuesday 9 to 11pm you can get free drinks on you business card. The crowed is mix local and international people. there will be live band on rotation. at time you will have to buy drinks before you enter the main dance floor. the doors guards are friendly.

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