IL COLPO Nail i Kowloon

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Hong KongIL COLPO Nail



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Hong Kong, Yau Ma Tei, 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方1樓1000號舖
kontakter telefon: +852 2196 8363
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Latitude: 22.3030353, Longitude: 114.1627346

kommentar 5

  • 郭志文



    The shop is ugly. The sitting area is very uncomfortable. Technician is too casual and not profession. Not worth for the high charge.

  • Kelly Kaur

    Kelly Kaur


    I went in yesterday to change my nail polish. Didn’t make an appt hence was told to come back in 20mins as they were all busy. Was served promptly- Service was good and efficient. My therapist was Sophia. Cost- 130HK - hands only.

  • Brittany Bateman

    Brittany Bateman


    I wish I had read these reviews before going to this place. The prices were 3x the normal price I pay in Canada but I thought they would do a great job. I started at 1:30pm and the nail technician promised I would be done by 3pm so that I could surprise my boyfriend meeting me in HK from Canada after not seeing him for 4 weeks. Well, she was so slow that she didn't finish until almost 3:30pm and he arrived in my hotel room before I was able to surprise him. In hindsight, perhaps I shouldn't have risked the timing but there were other technicians sitting around doing nothing and when I asked if they could help her to get it done faster she said "no just me". Meanwhile when I had arrived there were 2 technicians working on another lady who (when she was leaving) said "thank you for rushing". My nail technician seemed new, she was slow and it was the worst nail service I have ever received. I would NOT recommend going to this place, go ANYWHERE else.

  • Zhou Zhou

    Zhou Zhou


    Dorothea would have to be the most rude person I've ever had to do my nails. Dirty and unprofessional in every way. Avoid this place at all cost

  • Andrea García Castelao

    Andrea García Castelao


    AVOID - this is the worst place for nails I've been in my life. They tried to over charge me. Slow and poor equipment. The worst.

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