IKEA i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongIKEA



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310, Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 3125 0888
internet side: www.ikea.com
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Latitude: 22.281166, Longitude: 114.18631

kommentar 5




    한국에서도 못 가본 이케아를 홍콩에서 가보네요. ㅋ 상당히 오밀조밀하게 꾸며놨으며 바닥에 화살표가 있어서 그 방향으로 따라가시면 대부분 다 보실 수 있을거에요. 임의로 꾸며 놓은 거실, 방, 주방의 형태는 저희 집에 그대로 들고 가서 옮겨 놓고 싶을 정도로 아기자기하게 이뻐서 한참을 머물다 나왔네요. 가격대는 한국이 어떤지 잘 몰라서 비교는 힘들지만 대체로 저렴한 편이었고 구지 물건을 사지 않더라도 구경삼아 다녀와도 괜찮다고 생각해요.

  • zh-Hant

    Ken Wing-hang Lee



  • zh-Hant

    tse kunyi



  • Ricky Lai

    Ricky Lai


    It could be the smallest IKEA, a small 2 stories basements shop inside a hotel and in the busy Causeway Bay shopping area. You could get the normal IKEA furniture and small items which you could pick up there. The hidden gem is actually the food mart and food kiosk. The food mart has a range of Swedish food items from frozen salmon to biscuits, chips, beer and soft drink. The food kiosk has a range of snacks and hot dog, not only Swedish good but also some local items. The price is probably the lowest you could find on Hong Kong. A great place for tourists on a budget or anyone want a quick snack.

  • Simon Pedersen

    Simon Pedersen


    Okay, and interesting with underground IKEA When you found your stuff, you sadly need to wait at least one day, because almost everything need to be picked up the following day at their pick up location. Their personal is good at advising on the products. It is a very clean Store. For me there is a lack of shortcuts, and the food / restaurant area is extremely small, and I experienced it ran out of food later in the evening. Besides this everything is up to standard.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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