HSBC Building i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongHSBC Building



🕗 åbningstider

1, Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2233 3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.28033, Longitude: 114.159526

kommentar 5

  • Mark Rowsell

    Mark Rowsell


    Very good service. Foreign currency is always available in this branch

  • Christian Stassen

    Christian Stassen


    Some of my worst banking experiences ever have been in this building. The infrastructure in HSBC is worse than anything, and I have had more issues than can be counted. After switching to standard chartered bank, where I have a relationship manager on WhatsApp rather than having to sit and listen to HSBC music, I've realized my life would have been much better had I not used HSBC

  • Teddy Chan

    Teddy Chan


    world class design . famous landmark in central district

  • MANU B.N

    MANU B.N


    Extremely Rude staff. Treats Indians like garbage. They think they own HK. One guy told me it takes two weeks to create an account and that too I have to pass an interview itseems.

  • Samuel Gurel

    Samuel Gurel


    Horrible service. If you have any other choice use another bank!!! Really you will wish you did. My overseas payments was shutdown with no communication. They said they needed a document. I sent it. They said it takes 3 weeks to receive a document and scan it then. They say it need notarized. Every phone call is a dead end. Do yourself a favor bank somewhere that still treats you like a human.

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