Hong Kong Island i Hongkong

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Hong KongHong Kong Island


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Hong Kong Island, Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2587586, Longitude: 114.1910696

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roland Schlott


    It's a breathtaking place with so much to offer it simply ist too much to mention. Breathtaking views from the peak (arrive early to avoid larger lines), the beach at Repulse Bay and the market at Stanley. The curious midevel escalators and unlimited variety of Shopping, Hotels, Restaurants and Bars make it a definite must to visit.

  • Catherine Quintiliani

    Catherine Quintiliani


    Beautiful, awesome and breathtaking !!

  • Saeful Ikhfan

    Saeful Ikhfan


    Nice, lovely place, and high class view

  • Anshul Johri

    Anshul Johri


    Shopping, food, skyscrapers and Disneyland are the main attractions here. HongKong is one of the most favourite shopping destination for travellers. Someone must try local food also, the taste is amazing. Disneyland is good if you have kids else better to avoid as there are no big adventures rides. The peak tram experience is amazing and recommended. The view from peak is wonderful. 1 or 2 days Macau visit is also good to cover Macau island. It’s just 1 hour away from HongKong

  • Dennis



    Be adventurous - take a junk cruise to cleaner air Stanley or elsewhere to experience another shade of Hong Kong -grab a bargain @ the market or enjoy tapas while gazing @ the South China Sea. However, sailing back into HK harbour one cant help but notice the smoky haze. We see the pollution, the damage done - a little part of it in everyone - beware or a lung victim one might become. Pollution knows no borders - we must act or be consumed by it.

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