Hong Kong Funeral Home i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongHong Kong Funeral Home


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679, King's Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2561 5226
internet side: www.hongkongfuneralhome.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2912689, Longitude: 114.209067

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ali Zakaria



  • zh

    Cyrus Chiu



  • Tommy Yim

    Tommy Yim


    I remember when I was young, when I went there , I feel very uncomfortable and very scary. It is very cold. And it is smoky due to every hall is burn the "dead people money" and all the dead people utilities and paper servants. And the most scary part is all related family members need to stay there for the whole night to guard the person just die. But I visit there recently, all the impression is different now. No more smoky environment, I think right now they limited the amount of stuffs you can burn inside the hall. You have to take all the burning stuffs to the top floor near midnight time. And the Chinese custom allows people to leave the funeral home and come back in the morning to finish up the ceremony and bring the dead people to "go up hill".

  • en

    Parker Murphy


    Man this place is great!!!! I come here every time a family member drops dead!!!! I always look forward to my next visit!

  • Mahakala Henry

    Mahakala Henry



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