Harbour Grand Hong Kong i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongHarbour Grand Hong Kong


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23, Oil Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2121 2688
internet side: www.harbourgrand.com
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Latitude: 22.288907, Longitude: 114.191797

kommentar 5

  • en



    Excellent hotel with fabulous views over the harbour. Stayed at this hotel for my 50th Birthday and it didn't disappoint. Well worth upgrading to to the Gold Club to enjoy symphony of lights show from the hotel roof top and the amazing views. The Gold Club also offered afternoon tea and free drinks package. The breakfast was fabulous. The rooms were immaculate with television bathrooms with sunken Jacuzzi bath. Staff were very attentive and rooms had amazing views on the gold club floors. Would definately recommend this hotel and we are already looking forward to staying here again in the near future.

  • R Lima

    R Lima


    Great place with its impressive Grand Entrance, with live Harp player in the afternoons. Catch a local wedding and gaze at their well positioned swimming pool overlooking Hong Kong harbour. Just be aware their restaurant on the floor above watches you swim (life a fish in an aquarium). The restaurant itself has an amazing selection of local dishes. 1 stop in the metro for Causeway Bay.

  • Sunil Birdi

    Sunil Birdi


    Fantastic facilities at this hotel. Staff were very understanding and provided a great service. The location is very good and with fortress hill metro station a few minutes walk away, getting into cental gets you there quick! The room given was of good quality. Did not get to use their swimming pool because it was under maintenance but that was never a issue.

  • en

    Hazel Davies


    Upon arrival and during our stay the staff were very courteous and helped us find our way around with good recommendations for travel. The restaurant food was excellent, our room was very clean and comfortable and very quiet too. The free shuttle bus into the town was great. All in all we had a very pleasant stay. I would highly recommend this hotel.

  • en

    Sansi Daan


    The scent of the lobby when you walk in. Amazing. The views if you get a higher floor are spectacular. And that round bathtub is sexy. The staff try their best to accommodate. If you allow guests to earn points...even better.

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