Handsome Factory Co., Ltd. i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongHandsome Factory Co., Ltd.



🕗 åbningstider

27, Haven Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2320 9976
internet side: www.handsomefactory.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.277594, Longitude: 114.187036

kommentar 5

  • Lucas Calou de Araujo Ramos

    Lucas Calou de Araujo Ramos


    For almost a year, Handsome Factory became one of my favorite places in Hong Kong. Great environment and excellent professionals, especially Ball (@ballng), a barber who’s in another level of quality from all barbers in Hong Kong. I truly recommend everyone to try, regardless the preference of an Eastern or Western hair cut style.

  • Karteek Addanki

    Karteek Addanki


    After I found handsome factory I've stopped looking for a new barber place. All their barbers speak English, give excellent haircuts and are genuinely nice. They also sell high quality products that are affordable. Last but not least, you can get drinks (including beer) for free while you wait.

  • britt billins

    britt billins


    Recently the E21 design team was in Hong Kong for some business and I decided to take them to my long time friend Argo at the causeway bay location of The Handsome Factory. Argo is an amazingly talented Barber. By far the coolest place in hk to get your hair cut. We walked about the city that night feeling like a million bucks. We were on a very tight schedule and Argo was able to book us for a perfect time frame. Argo at the causeway bay location gets 5 stars from me every time.... if you are in hk and need a haircut do yourself a favor and go to the Handsome Factory and see my friends Argo 👍

  • James Drury

    James Drury


    Great barber shop based in several locations around Hong Kong. Sean from the Causeway Bay branch was my barber. He took his time perfecting his work. It felt professional. It's old school barbers with a modern twist. The free beer on arrival helped. I'd recommend booking online to avoid a wait.

  • en

    Edwardo Chun


    This is a barber shop, so expect a barber shop haircut (for HKD 380!!!). The shop was running behind schedule a few minutes, which is fine. But it's a bit insulting when they run further behind because they need to take a cigarette break.

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