國豐藥業公司 i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong Kong國豐藥業公司


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Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.286823, Longitude: 114.145307

kommentar 1

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    D. Lynda


    This wholesale and retail Chinese medicine shop is clean and goods are well packed and nicely labelled and well organized. Why did I choose this one amongst dozens and dozens on the same street and in the next block of streets? Actually this shop had chosen me! I was drawn by the soothing and nice smelling of their dried Chinese herbs and/medicinal ingredients when I walked passed by on a hot and sunny day. I had to literally "rewinded" myself to check it out and told this shop owner or staff that their aroma had drawn me back. He (in late 40s) was surprisingly friendly, that's why I've decided to buy something from him. Then I saw he had just packed these two items (red dates and goji berries) and walked out the shop to put them on a small shelf outside. I'm not good at mathematics and mistakenly gave him $40/50 more, he laughed and said they did not cost that much and gave me back the extra notes. How nice of him because I always do the same thing at supermarkets for decades.

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