Great Restaurant Chicken Pot i New Territories

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Hong KongGreat Restaurant Chicken Pot



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Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan, 荃灣眾安街73號地下
kontakter telefon: +852 2697 3337
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Latitude: 22.369249, Longitude: 114.116338

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Li

    Andrew Li


    Great concept of a hotpot with marinated chicken w/ their in-house sauce as a flavour base

  • 黃沈茵



    Absolutely LOVE this place. It's one of my favourite places to eat. Besides from the chicken, I love their chive dumplings which they make fresh and it accompanies well with hotpot. Sometimes stupid waiting time but I forgive you guys, 'cause it's the best chicken pot in HK. Stick with this branch ONLY. Tasted their Chicken pot in the branch at the mall nearby and it wasn't the same. Great place for those who like spicy food. For those adventurous types, you can try big spicy for the ride of your life.

  • en

    Cindy Xue


    Love it. I will always come to this restaurant for the MALA chicken pot a.k.a the chicken cook the spicy szecuan sauce, which later will turn into hotpot. They provide a lot of ingredients for the hot pot too. It is ala carte. We usually end up paying around 150 HKD per person or more, depends on how much we eat. :) nice place to gather with lots of people too

  • Titus Lam

    Titus Lam


    There are two shops with the same name nearby and the taste and quality are very different. This restaurant not really the best one so it is comparably not so many people queued. Check the comment and choose the restaurant wisely. The chicken is not really tasty but the size is big enough

  • cesar canas

    cesar canas


    It's a special hot pot..!must try.. If you are not a spicy person pls remember to tell them not so spicy

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