Grand Kornhill Cinema i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongGrand Kornhill Cinema


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2, Kornhill Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2513 8028
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Latitude: 22.284164, Longitude: 114.216418

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gaston Lee


    A newly renovated with 3 D cinema

  • 黃懿雅



    有4D電影嗎? 到現在還沒有。

  • carol lee

    carol lee


    睇2D , 但坐在House 4的 4D院,坐位當然舒適,當日睇的早場普通票價$55, 60歲以上的老人優惠價$30, 洗手間清潔乾爽又美觀。

  • Sin Ting Kwong

    Sin Ting Kwong


    請不要購買任何一號院上映的電影。設計該戲院的心中應該只有一個錢字,完全不合理的座位安排,有幾個座位(E9, F9)差不多要面壁。 I regretted to buy tickets for "What happened to Monday" at House 1 before reading any comments on Google. Please do not buy any tickets if the show is showing at House 1 They are not considering any audience's feeling when designing the cinema and it is RIDICULOUS. What can I say ? It's like HONG KONG, living in a suffocating place even if you pay $80 for a ticket and trying to relax and watch a movie, it's still reminding you of this horrible fact. I cannot accept such arrangement and the staff should remind all the audience before buying the ticket. The screen is slightly larger than my TV. No star, never so pissed before and it's like cheated your money.

  • CP



    I was told that the renovated "Grand" cinema was nice, but it ended up a rumour. The house was small, and you almost could not avoid kicking somebody's head if you got in during the ad section when they tuned dim the lights. (House 1) The last visit was for the Dunkirk; the sound effect was fairly good, but the screen - oh it was too small except for showing movies like Phone Booth; Another strange idea (at least in House 3) was putting the screen high up while the seats were already placed on a slanted theatre.

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