Gloucester Luk Kwok Hotel i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongGloucester Luk Kwok Hotel


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72, Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2866 2166
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Latitude: 22.278865, Longitude: 114.172354

kommentar 5

  • Ronnie Leung

    Ronnie Leung


    Value for money buffett. Cozy bar.

  • R J

    R J


    Perhaps one of the best hotels I stayed in in Hong Kong. Friendly staff, clean venue, elevators, hallways and rooms. No smells and very generous on the amenities and towels. I found their concierge service to be excellent and very helpful. Few minutes walk from Wan Chai district and Hennessy Road which is very vibrant and bustling with people until very late during summer. I sincerely enjoyed my stay at the Gloucester Luk Kwok Hotel!

  • en

    sau ping


    Good selection of hot/cold food. No oydster on weekday dinner buffet but still worth a visit. Plus excellent service

  • Piyush Sharma

    Piyush Sharma


    Best hotel I stayed in the Wan Chai area. Only steps away from one of the exits of the train station, exit C I think. Got a nice view of the skyline from the 23rd floor. Room was much much bigger than other hotels and fantastic service. Even gave us a free welcome drink.

  • Norman Ohl

    Norman Ohl


    This hotel is very much in the centre of the action. While the address is Gloucester Road, and you can get to reception from Gloucester Road, the main entrance is in Jaffe Street from behind the hotel building. Staff were very helpful although the rooms are dated, but none the less clean. Wi-Fi is good, complimentary fruit and water in the room and all the toiletries you would need. There is a Starbucks right next door because you would not drink the hotel coffee. Restaurants: there is very good restaurant in the hotel on the first floor. And there would be at least 100 other eateries within easy walking distance less than 500 m.

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