Expo Promenade i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongExpo Promenade



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Expo Drive East, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2847872, Longitude: 114.1731964

kommentar 5

  • Yaya Pamungkas

    Yaya Pamungkas



  • en

    Emanuele Redaelli


    One of the nice promenade in Hong Kong island, with a nice view on the bay and Kowloon. It will be much nicer and meaningful when it's finished and connected to the other pieces of walking paths under construction. Statues of Cartoons and comics make the plaza enjoyable for kids.

  • Nick Wong

    Nick Wong


    Great place for night view for the victoria harbour. Free to access However it is inconvenient to access by public transport. Only a few bus stop there and it is 15 minute away from the MTR Wanchai station

  • Wolfgang Aull

    Wolfgang Aull


    Been there, seen that - boring. Seriously now. The longer article above makes one understand the boringness of the place. There are the two mentioned monuments and a lot of concrete. The extension of the expo-building looks great - but not from there. As it generally applies to the great skyline and Harbour Front of Hong Kong Island, It is best viewed from a distance. At this promenade the most interesting are the bus loads of Mainland China Tourists that go there to have their picture taken with the stuff standing around. Anything goes. A souvenir booth, a flagpole, the monuments etc. Would you want to enjoy the view of the whole scene, take the ferry to the opposite side, the Tsim Sha Tsui Harbour Front.

  • Barry Smith

    Barry Smith


    If you want to relax or take some amazing photos of the bay, this is a good place to go. The promenade is also regularly used for photo shoots linked to the show and there is always something interest to see. Access from the Exhibition Centre.

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