Expat Insurance i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongExpat Insurance



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701, Connaught Commercial Building, 185 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3563 9771
internet side: www.expatinsurance.com.hk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2773634, Longitude: 114.1779801

kommentar 5

  • en

    May Law


    Excellent service and very professional, will definitely recommend to my family and friends.

  • en

    Bob Crawford


    Quality service and the advice I was given on policy choices saved me money and got me the policy and insurance coverage that was right for me

  • en

    Linda Budi


    Excellent, excellent, excellent. 5 stars to Expat Insurance Hong Kong. My husband and I bought medical insurance top-up plans to work in tandem with our employer scheme. We took out a similar plan with two different insurers and made significant savings on options we had looked at online. Plus, we also got dental coverage! Their practice of face-to-face meetings helped immensely, and it is much nicer to meet with friendly, professional, experienced staff than to do it all online at a greater cost!

  • en

    Allen Miller


    My wife and I took out comprehensive medical insurance with Expat, including maternity cover. We were treated very professionally and everything about their service is excellent. Our broker met us as well when my wife became pregnant to run through a variety of options. Thoroughly recommend their services, and we are now preparing for our son's birth. All good.

  • Tamhas B

    Tamhas B


    Marc has just fixed me up with a Life Insurance policy, as well as explaining the ins and outs of health insurance, which i am up for next. He is very helpful, and explains things in a very easy to understand way. Thanks!

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