E-Land Vape Shop Hong Kong i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongE-Land Vape Shop Hong Kong



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Shop 217, Island Beverley Centre, 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 6130 5933
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 22.280498, Longitude: 114.184932

kommentar 5

  • Gary Lui

    Gary Lui


    Way over charging. A coil that all shops sell for $80-90 and this shop is selling it for $150. Said I don't want nicotine and staff gave me one saying that it doesn't have it. Once I get home, the small print says it contains nicotine.

  • Jordan H.

    Jordan H.


    Great shop! Very helpful staff. Great affordable juices and mod kits! Definitely coming back!

  • en

    chan stanley


    E-Land HK is the best vape shop in Hong Kong, being provided with a variety of different flavours and various popular brands. What separates this vape shop with others is the staff members, they are very kind and is willing to provide support for anyone who is interested in vaping. I strongly recommend this place, as it is definitely one of a kind.

  • en

    Kristine G.


    I was travelling to Thailand when I lost my vape I went to their shop to purchase another one and found their service to be extremely pleasant. Their detailed knowledge of their products definitely helped me a lot ! As a very picky person, I was able to find plenty of juice flavours I was in love with their wide selections. Looking forward to the next time I come here again!!

  • Jess Leong

    Jess Leong


    Amazing variety of juice selections! The knowledgeable staff have been very helpful and genuine about the usage of their products. When I was struggling with my mod, they were very detailed with their instructions and precautions, allowing me to use it efficiently. The shop being so close to the mtr makes it extremely convenient for me to get what I want. The staff is wonderful so I will definitely continue to come again.

nærmeste Butik

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