大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge i Kowloon

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Hong Kong大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge



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Lobby Lounge, Lobby Level, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2313 2323
internet side: hongkong-ic.intercontinental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2934795, Longitude: 114.1740517

kommentar 5

  • zh-Hant

    Meko Hung



  • zh-Hant

    Joe Cheng


    晴天時可以看到180度維港景色。 最近推出上海灘主題下午茶。款式多,分量足夠2個大人和一個2歲小朋友。 不設訂位,我們等了20分鐘才有位,加1後大約690元,如果用滙豐信用卡積分只需566元,性價比較高,適合消閒的地方。

  • Henry Cheng

    Henry Cheng


    Spacious and spectacular 180 degree view of the Victoria Harbour. Choices of English and Chinese tea set, and their presentation and taste exceed expectation. Outstanding customer service.

  • zh-Hant

    Tony Ma



  • Joy Debnath

    Joy Debnath


    Amazing views, overprice drinks, average food, terrific ambience. I was lucky enough to stay there for two nights, allowing me to pop down for a drink and some food on both nights. The drinks were expensive as hell, and I didn't both with the whisky since a single glass was almost enough to buy a whole bottle at regular prices. The food was okay, except the Chicken Rice was a massive disappointment...I paid over $40 for a meal that wasn't anywhere near as good as an average $4 Chicken Rice meal in Singapore. Will not make that mistake again, but at least I've saved my friends from ever having to order if they ever do. Drinks were okay, the cocktails were average, and the Batman cocktail (in tribute to the IFC tower where the Dark Knight was filmed, which was visible from the Lounge) was pretty terrible. I couldn't finish it. That said, you don't go there for the food, or drinks. It's the ambience, atmosphere, and most important, the outstanding - world class - view. I will definitely head back there on my next trip to HK, though I'll probably stick to draft beer.

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