Cynthia's Inn Limited (Hostel) i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCynthia's Inn Limited (Hostel)


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36-44, Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2963951, Longitude: 114.172811

kommentar 4

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    Carmen Tom


    Do not be deceived by the name of this place! It is NOT run by a woman. Chungking Mansion is essentially little India in HK and this building is NOT safe. There are drug addicts, drug lords, and prostitutes. The room is FILTHY. There is no reception area, you have to call a # upon arrival; sucks to be you if your phone is on the wrong frequency and have no way of contacting the owner. DO NOT BOOK HERE! YOU'RE BETTER OFF BURNING YOUR MONEY.

  • en

    Ly Vu


    We stayed in Hong Kong over a holiday weekend. On our first night, this was the only place we could find with a room (unless we had $450 USD to stay at a 5 star hotel, no exaggeration). We had no choice (unless to sleep on the streets or at a park). This placed charged us 1,000 HKD (about $130 USD). The room was tiny and in dirty condition. So gross that it was cleaner to NOT shower, brush teeth or use the toilet. We woke up to a wet floor and our bags were also wet since they were on the floor and sitting in stagnant water overnight. The hallway was also flooded. No one was in sight. We could not get any bill or invoice.

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