Clover Cake & Coffee House i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongClover Cake & Coffee House


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126 Wharf Road, North Point, North Point, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2887 0838
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Latitude: 22.2923016, Longitude: 114.1981799

kommentar 5

  • Niall Gavigan

    Niall Gavigan


    Fifteen minutes to get a coffee and chav-pop playing on loop.

  • Samuel Cheng

    Samuel Cheng


    Quiet place, totally recommend you to go there, especially if you need to get work done.

  • Kan Chau

    Kan Chau


    Lovely cozy hidden place. Enjoy my time here!!

  • en

    Mychal Jonatan


    Quick Facts: 1) English menus 2) Order and pay at the register and sit down 3) They seem to keep a menu on a podium by the door so you don't have to feel awkward waiting around at the register deciding what to order if it's busy, as there isn't any wall menu to view behind the counter 4) Breakfast menu is 8:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m., then it's the all day menu after that. 5) Cold / Hot Water is self serve, located across from the register. Review: A quaint little cafe that's perfect for a quick, light morning breakfast or afternoon meal. Nestled between two car repair shops, it seems totally out of place on the street with it's teal paint color that makes it easy to spot. They have a nice selection of simple and light breakfast options and a selection of unique teas The prices were a tad high given what I received, but it wasn't a surprise since all cafes tend to charge around this price point for average food. With its calm and cozy atmosphere, it's a great spot to start your day or relax after a busy day of touring.

  • Tink w

    Tink w


    Cozy little spot with a good variety of teas and cakes to choose from. Oolong tea latte is quite a change from the common tea lattes. Subtle and modest complement to the cakes.

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