CASIO Distributor - Javy's i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCASIO Distributor - Javy's



🕗 åbningstider

38, Lok Ku Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2545 1999
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.285013, Longitude: 114.149765

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Tan

    Andrew Tan


    Hkd110 to change the two batteries in my Casio Edifice.

  • Steve Huang

    Steve Huang


  • Chris Rock

    Chris Rock


    Was in Hong Kong, wanted a Casio Gshock Gw 5000-1jF retails for $298 U.S on Amazon. Went to Javys, great looking shop. They quoted me $800 U.S dollars, When I questioned the price they said it was because they offered a one year international warranty. Ridiculous pricing. I could have bought two of them, and if one had died use the other and still be $200 better off. Rip off.

  • Julian Fessard

    Julian Fessard


    That was the perfect place to get my G-Shock special battery changed. I have a Casio G-Shock that has a rechargeable solar battery which was defective. They replaced the battery for me (it's difficult to find and not recommended to do yourself) and noticed when reassembling it that the O ring was old and needed to be changed. I did have to pay for the Oring, but it was inexpensive, and I am happy that they did the pressure testing after putting it back together. They also have a really cool collection of very old Casio and G-Shock watches, including some really vintage wrist calculator models and the first watch with a camera (black and white) on it.

  • SingleTrek LapakYoYo

    SingleTrek LapakYoYo


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