Café Match Box i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongCafé Match Box



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57, Paterson Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2868 0363
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Latitude: 22.2819362, Longitude: 114.184766

kommentar 5

  • Ye Hang Yeo

    Ye Hang Yeo


    The interior of this cafe is a perfect replica of what it is like in old Hong Kong. People nostalgic for the old Hong Kong will definitely love it. For example, they have comics from cartoons in newspapers from 50 years ago etc....the food and the service here is also amazing. Definitely worth a visit.

  • Dan Schu

    Dan Schu


    The best part about the place is the aesthetic environment. Ping Pong tables and hang out spot outside. Minivan themed booths and vintage jukebox vibe inside. The menu is poorly designed and confusing (for an English only speaker at least). I've been here 5 times because my girlfriend likes it. Food is cheap and it's a cool vibe. However, 3/5 times I try to order something and they don't have it or aren't serving it anymore. Sign of a bad menu/offering. Make it clear it's not available at certain times or separate your menus. It's just annoying. Staff is appropriately curt and unapologetic for Hong Kong.

  • Josi Chiang

    Josi Chiang


    Traditional Hong Kong cha charn teng, with all the iconic French toast, baked tomato pork rice, and sizzling plates. I like to bring my foreign visiting friends here.

  • Francisco Viana

    Francisco Viana


    So good. Excelent coffee. Affordable price

  • 372lesoir



    Beautiful 70-80's themed restaurant. Nice breakfast sets. I recommend the pineapple bun with ham and cheese. The serve lunch and diner as well. Price above average.

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