Braologie Causeway Bay (銅鑼灣) i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongBraologie Causeway Bay (銅鑼灣)



🕗 åbningstider

Flat 1-2, 21/F, Shun Hei Causeway Bay Centre, 492 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 5500 3094
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2805896, Longitude: 114.1829487

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cindy Wong


    I am very impressed with the 1-on-1fitting. I couldn't get a better bra fitting experience than here. I spent around 45 mins in the fitting room to try on different sizes and style. The staff was also very friendly and considerate. Their bra are made to order, but I am fine to wait as long as the bra fits me great.

  • en

    ava liu


    This store offers me a memorable shopping experience. I am very satisfied with the service and product quality : )

  • en

    laura ip


    I've repurchased their bra today. Their products and services never disappoint me and I am very happy with my purchase. Thanks Braologie!

  • Shirley Cheung

    Shirley Cheung


    They suggest me to buy 7 bras and 5 of other products. And I'm like, why would I want 7 bras that are the same design, even more, when I said I wanted to just buy 2 first and try it out, but the staff kept saying I should at least get 4. So I left with lots of disappointment. Maybe I got my hopes so high because all of the reviews, I was very disappointed with their staffs services and manners...

  • Mariyam Ma

    Mariyam Ma


    Good Product

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