AsiaAirsoft Int. Co. i New Territories

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAsiaAirsoft Int. Co.



🕗 åbningstider

42-50, Kwai Ting Road, New Territories, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 8191 6164
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.3587843, Longitude: 114.1310497

kommentar 5

  • en

    juan dela cruz


    Legitimate SCAMMER! don't buy from this seller.

  • Edward Davenport

    Edward Davenport


    If you value your money and your time DO NOT BUY FROM HERE!!! a long time ago i bought a G&D ptw from them and the cylinder came broken. I contacted them about it and was ignored. eventually i had to do a paypal dispute with them. Only then did they decide to call me and tell me to cancel the dispute and send them a picture of the broken cylinder . I did that and its been nearly a year now and i have still yet to get a reply ... nearly $400 wasted ..then recently i purchased a g36 outer barrel and i never even got a confirmation email from them. 5 weeks later and i still got nothing. I had to open a paypal dispute again and this time it told me that they just gave me a refund which leads me to believe that they never had it in stock in the first place. Whatever you need just buy it form somewhere else. dont screw yourself out of money trying to get something from them. you either will never get it or if it comes damaged youre pretty much on your own.

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    Impulse Gundam


    Fine, as long as you are buying at their store directly

  • Roman De Cobray

    Roman De Cobray


    PEOPLES DON'T BUY ON THIS STORE! About details you can write to my mail. I'll give you all screens and docs photos! Think carefully before buying at this store, because of incompetence I lost $ 70!!! .

  • en

    Yuk Ping Ho


    They have sent out the parcel within 2 working days and have a great work for the shipping. Thanks alot

nærmeste Butik

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