ASAP as simple as possible i 新界

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Hong KongASAP as simple as possible



🕗 åbningstider

2, 銀城街, 新界, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2856 8698
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Latitude: 22.3870962, Longitude: 114.2033355

kommentar 5

  • Wong Kent

    Wong Kent


    Slow, wait too long for just a cup of coffee, poor management at all

  • Martin Chan

    Martin Chan


    Just a place for simple lunch and afternoon tea. The curry fried fish is crazily huge.

  • en

    Kin Wai Chin


    This shop is rubbish For a simple breakfast, I had waited for 45 minutes before my food finally arrived. Very poor service quality towards my chaser of food after 30 minutes waiting, a waiter named Kei responded “that is the usual case for long waiting, and this is the fault of kitchen”, without saying a single word to apologize. Despite of such unacceptable service standard, his shop charged extra 10% as service fee. Angry

  • Richard Yong

    Richard Yong


    Food is decently good and the eating environment is nice. Service however, is slow.

  • Vision Art Studio

    Vision Art Studio


    Standard set of meals.. Obviously simple is quite the case. Not exactly a cheaper alternative though. Had a chicken omlette with rice and curry sauce. Was quite tasty! Not much chicken though. I liked the tea options, they have herbal teas, like chamomile and peppermint. The restaurant is quite trendy and neat inside. Service was quite fast, standard customer friendliness (my expectations in HK are at an all time low)

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