Applegreen i 新界

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongApplegreen



🕗 åbningstider

223, 興芳路, 新界, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2467 6833
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Latitude: 22.3568799, Longitude: 114.12694

kommentar 5

  • en

    Newton Lee


    The most delicious meitaiko spagetti!




    First the services is not nice I mean the people is look irritated and rude, and we order a noodle that have clam but the clam is look like cancer cell seriously it is dark and dull. But nevertheless I think the most delicious the most delightful is the green apple on top of the rice which is serve with a salty , tough, chewy, leathery pork chops (黑毛豬) Last but not least the steak o boy the steak the funniest thing is when we order it they ask us "how do you like your steak" and we say medium and the out come it is well done and the thickness of the steak is like 5 cm.And how the heck you can finish it with medium rare.Also the chips test worst then mc Donal and they say we only have 1.25 hour to eat.At least mc Donal don't have limited time for eating and the fries is hot . I going to try this diner is because my friend suggest me to come they say the food is nice and it is cheap , but what I got is a very bad night of eating low quality food with my best friends And the next time I would rather eat pepper lunch then applegreen .very very disappointed. Hope you guys improve.But at least we have a good time making fun of the food of this diner.

  • en

    Winnie Law


    Nice place for lunch, cannot found better lemonade in this area.

  • Patrick Cheung

    Patrick Cheung


    Good environment and good food. Not expensive at all.

  • Jays Cheung

    Jays Cheung


    Food is quite nice despite of the cheap price for the lunch set. I love the ribs there. And also the honey green tea is my fave

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