Ambassador Barber Parlour i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongAmbassador Barber Parlour



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23, Lan Fong Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2895 5930
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2788388, Longitude: 114.1846066

kommentar 5

  • Ken Chan

    Ken Chan


    Old school barber. Great prices.

  • Daniel Shine

    Daniel Shine


    As a bearded male beast it is hard to find a proper barber in Hong Kong! There are several wanky outlets which charge extortionate prices for a cut and trim combo. However, after 3 hours of searching, I found the best barber in Hong Kong, which happens to be a local treasure that’s been established since the 1950s. The barbers were numbered like a chapter out of Mao’s little red book but don’t get confused the haircut is was ace, and I’m now looking FTD (fresh to death). I had my haircut and beard trimmed by a man who goes by the name of no. 6!

  • Hoa Chu

    Hoa Chu


    Transport back in time for a good barber cut on the cheap. 170 hkd for full cut/shampoo/shave. I get a kick out of all the old equipment they use. Especially the low power blow dryer. Normally tip 40 hkd afterwards.

  • Mike Featherston

    Mike Featherston


    A proper, vintage barber shop that is a step back in time to the mid-1960's. I just had my first haircut there and will be going back. Very personal service with a good cut and pleasant shampoo for a fair price. Definitely worth a visit.

  • Tiktian Chan

    Tiktian Chan


    An old Shanghai barbershop. Prices are decent, and the cut is usually quite good. The equipment used is often quite traditional I think, and it's an interesting experience. They also do wet shaves for a very reasonable price. The old masters there are all quite interesting to talk to, and of course most of them speak shanghainese, so that's a plus for me (my Cantonese is very rusty). Point to note is that they only take cash.

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