AIR Fitness (Whampoa) i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAIR Fitness (Whampoa)



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Hong Kong, Hung Hom, 紅鸞道18號One Harbour Gate東翼祥祺中心一樓全層
kontakter telefon: +852 2328 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3008065, Longitude: 114.1876893

kommentar 5

  • en

    Winnie Dani


    Air fitness is indeed the best place to have great health and to stay fit! The trainers here are very supportive and friendly ‘Debby is my great motivation!! I truly respect this place!!

  • en

    christine tai


    Nice trainer, very professional. The fitness is also clean and bright, good location.

  • Doris Lee

    Doris Lee


    It is my second month at Air Fitness and it has been a wonderful experience so far. The trainers are professional and the intensive cardio classes are effective and fun. My consultant Debby has also offered good advice and followed up with my progress. I would highly recommend this gym to anyone who is hoping to shed a few pounds or tone up for summer!

  • en

    Aster Law


    I have patronised a few gym rooms in my life and found that others are incomparable to AF in terms of the atmosphere and quality of services. All the coaches I’ve ever met are stars in my eyes. They are highly professional, amicable, considerate and ......simply amazing. Thanks Debby for bringing me in!

  • j 10

    j 10


    The place is very clean and tidy, professional trainers and well trained staff. I’m pleased to get the chance to join Air Fitness which thanks to Taki and Debbie for that.

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