Acorn Veterinary Hospital i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAcorn Veterinary Hospital



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68-80, Second Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2540 0228
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Latitude: 22.286033, Longitude: 114.14156

kommentar 5

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    Anthony Taylor


    They have looked after our dog wonderfully. They have been helpful and explained clearly the treatment / process etc . We do not anticipate ever having to go anywhere else

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    Joe Unrau


    Great hospital with two British vetsQq

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    Martin Liu


    Tony is a great vet!

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    Sammy Lau


    Was a volunteer at HKDR, took a dog to vet Tony guy and he nearly attacked me said I was late. As soon as I was asked to take the dog over I rushed by taxi. He was extremely rude and yelled at me to put the dog on the table and call to HKDR. Very rude person and extremely unprofessional. I would not put my previous pet's life in his hands.

  • Kelly Oki

    Kelly Oki


    I have never in my life experienced such a disastrous medical experience than the one I've been subjected to by Acorn Vet. Five weeks ago I brought my 1 year old dog in to check out a hard lump next to her spine. The doctor (who was very kind and knowledgeable) recommended a biopsy of the lump, and warned that he had recently seen a case in which a highly aggressive cancer was removed from a young dog. He assured me that we should have the results in 10-14 days. I have since called Acorn Vet no fewer than 8 times to get the results of that biopsy. I was told that one of the samples was lost in the mail, but assured that the other half of the lump would be sent by urgent request, and that I would be sure to have results in one week. That was 12 days ago, and since then I have been given the complete run around by a staff who keeps telling me they will call me back, but fails to do so. I am worried sick about my dog and whether she does in fact have an aggressive cancer, in which case we've wasted precious days waiting for a completely incompetent office to get back to me. We are now in a situation in which we have no choice but to wait to see IF we ever get the results, as we no longer even have the lump sample to be tested by another vet clinic. I am so frustrated and at the end of my rope. The doctors at Acorn Vet seem just fine but if they ever recommend a biopsy, please be cautioned that results may take far longer than they quote you, and the staff will treat you like an annoyance that they can just do away with by saying "I'll call you back when we get the results."

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