7-Eleven - Electric Road 1 i Hong Kong Island

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Hong Kong7-Eleven - Electric Road 1



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168, Electric Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2299 1110
internet side: www.7-eleven.com.hk
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Latitude: 22.2874038, Longitude: 114.192094

kommentar 5

  • en

    D. Lynda


    A recently opened tiny Wo Tin Bakery 禾田麵包 branch is located at 168 Electric Road, Shop 1, near Fortress Hill MTR station, RIGHT NEXT to the 7-Eleven store. The minute I stepped into this bakery store, the smell of freshly baked breads was really alluring. A typical local style bakery serving a mixed styles of pastries and bread products and cookies at very low prices serving the neighborhood. A very friendly middle aged lady was manning the store with an on-site male baker at the back. The most impressive thing to me is that they accept Octopus card payment. Lots of local diners even those mid range to expensive ones would not bother to install Octopus card payment gadget due to costs. Any shops or restaurants with Octopus payment or paywaves facilities would be on the top of my list. Bravo to this little bakery!

  • Gordon Sanders

    Gordon Sanders


    Quick service

  • Vivien Chan

    Vivien Chan


    I'm so

  • Neo Choi

    Neo Choi


  • Богдан Мушта

    Богдан Мушта


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